Jumat, 03 Juli 2015

2. Terjemahan Intrabahasa, Antarbahasa, Intersemiotik

Di dalam literatur penerjemahan, ada beberapa ragam terjemahan yang pernah dikemukakan oleh para ahli. Ragam-ragam tersebut ada yang digolongkan menurut jenis sistem tanda yang terlibat, jenis naskah yang diterjemahkan, dan juga menurut proses penerjemahan serta penekanannya.
Roman Jakobson (1959:234) membedakan terjemahan menjadi tiga jenis, yaitu terjemahan intrabahasa, terjemahan antarbahasa, dan nterjemahan intersemiotik.
Yang dimaksud terjemahan intrabahasa adalah pengubahan suatu teks menjadi teks lain berdasarkan interpretasi penerjemah. Dan kedua teks ini ditulis dalam bahasa yang sama. Jadi, bila kita menuliskan kembali puisi Chairil Anwar, Aku, ke dalam bentuk prosa di dalam bahasa Indonesia, maka kita melakukan penerjemahan intrabahasa.
Jenis terjemahan kedua adalah terjemahan antarbahasa. Terjemahan jenis ini adalah terjemahan dalam arti yang sesungguhnya. Dalam jenis ini, penerjemah menuliskan kembali makna ayau gagasan teks bahasa sumber ke dalam teks bahasa sasaran.
Yang terakhir adalah jenis terjemaan intersemiotik. Jenis ini mencakup penafsiran sebuah teks ke dalam bentuk atau system tanda yang lain. Sebagai contoh, penafsiran novel menjadi sebuah karya film.
          2. Translation of intrabahasa, antarbahasa, intersemiotik
In literature the translation, there are various different translations ever by the experts. The wide variety are classified according involved sign systems ,translated mainscript ,and translation process or the translation emphasis.
     Translation Of Intrabahasa, Antarbahasa, Intersemiotik
In literature the translation, there are various different translations ever by the experts. The wide variety are classified according involved sign systems ,translated mainscript ,and translation process or the translation emphasis.
Roman Jakobson (1959: 234) differentiated into three kinds of translations they are the translation of intra language, inter language and intersemiotik.

Intra language means the conversion of a text into another text based on interpretation of the translator. And both of these texts are written in the same language. So, when we re-write poetry by Chairil Anwar, into prose in indonesians, then we perform the translation of intra language .The second translation is a translation of  inter language. This type of translation is a translation in a real sense. In this type, the interpreter renders the text idea  or meaning back in the source language into the target language.The latter is a type of translation intersemiotik. These types include the interpretation ofa text into a form or system alerts the others. For example, the interpretation of the novel into a film work.

Name : Desi Nuri Novitasari Pertiwi
Class : 4sa05
NPM : 11611882

Kamis, 07 Mei 2015


·         2. Terjemahan Intrabahasa, Antarbahasa, Intersemiotik

Di dalam literatur penerjemahan, ada beberapa ragam terjemahan yang pernah dikemukakan oleh para ahli. Ragam-ragam tersebut ada yang digolongkan menurut jenis sistem tanda yang terlibat, jenis naskah yang diterjemahkan, dan juga menurut proses penerjemahan serta penekanannya.
Roman Jakobson (1959:234) membedakan terjemahan menjadi tiga jenis, yaitu terjemahan intrabahasa, terjemahan antarbahasa, dan nterjemahan intersemiotik.
Yang dimaksud terjemahan intrabahasa adalah pengubahan suatu teks menjadi teks lain berdasarkan interpretasi penerjemah. Dan kedua teks ini ditulis dalam bahasa yang sama. Jadi, bila kita menuliskan kembali puisi Chairil Anwar, Aku, ke dalam bentuk prosa di dalam bahasa Indonesia, maka kita melakukan penerjemahan intrabahasa.
Jenis terjemahan kedua adalah terjemahan antarbahasa. Terjemahan jenis ini adalah terjemahan dalam arti yang sesungguhnya. Dalam jenis ini, penerjemah menuliskan kembali makna ayau gagasan teks bahasa sumber ke dalam teks bahasa sasaran.
Yang terakhir adalah jenis terjemaan intersemiotik. Jenis ini mencakup penafsiran sebuah teks ke dalam bentuk atau system tanda yang lain. Sebagai contoh, penafsiran novel menjadi sebuah karya film.
          2. Translation of intrabahasa, antarbahasa, intersemiotik
In literature, translation, there are several different translations have never put forward by the experts. Various different colors are there that is classified according types of systems that are involved, the kind of text was translated, and also according to resolving and its emphasis.
     Translation Of Intrabahasa, Antarbahasa, Intersemiotik
In the translation of literature, there are several kinds of translation was ever expressed by the experts. The range-range there are classified according to the type of signsystems are involved, the type of manuscript translated, and also according to the translation process as well as the emphasis.
Roman Jakobson (1959: 234) differentiate into three kinds of translations, thetranslation of intrabahasa, a translation of antarbahasa, nterjemahan and intersemiotik.
The intended translation intrabahasa is the conversion of a text into another text based on interpretation of the translator. And both of these texts are written in the same language. So, when we write back poetry Chairil Anwar, me, into prose in the language of Indonesia, then we perform the translation of intrabahasa.The second translation is a translation of antarbahasa. This type of translation is a translation in a real sense. In this type, the interpreter renders the text idea ayaumeaning back in the source language into the target language.The latter is a type of terjemaan intersemiotik. These types include the interpretation ofa text into a form or system alerts the others. For example, the interpretation of the novel into a film work.


1.      GINGER

Ginger Software is an Israeli start-up company that has developed language enhancement technology that uses statistical algorithms in conjunction with natural language processing, aiming to improve written communications, develop English speaking skills and boost smartphone productivity.

·         Overbalance : this software can check grammar and translate into any languages. For the example Indonesia into English and this software can find synonyms of words.
·         Shortage : this software has little shortage that it can’t check multi grammar .
·         This software very usefull for us to check grammar , synonyms and translation. We can install this software without purchase or free. So, we can try to use this software easily.
Example for translation :

Example for synonyms :

Example for check grammar :

2.      SDL

SDL (Specification and Description Language) is a program design and implementation language that is used to build real-time event-driven systems that involve parallel processing . Some advantages of SDL, according to its proponents, include mathematical rigor, clarity, consistency, portability, scalability, and the ability to interface with other languages. It is described as a graphical language that eliminates ambiguity.

·         Overbalance : this software can translate quickly and it can translate with attach a folder after that we can download the result.
·         Shortage : this software can’t translate correctly, it can be wrong of grammar sentences or words.
·         This software usefull for translate quickly but we must check again what this software translated.
Example for translation without input folder :

Example for translation with folder :
1.      Choose file

2.      Choose document :

3.      The result and download it

SYSTRAN, founded by Dr. Peter Toma in 1968’ s one of the oldest machine translation companies. SYSTRAN has done extensive work for the United States Department of Defense and the European Commission.
SYSTRAN provides the technology for Yahoo! Babel Fish among others. It was used by Google's language tools until 2007. SYSTRAN is used by the Dashboard Translation widget in OS X.
·         Advantages : this software can translate into spanish, german, greek,etc.
·         Disadvantages : this software only can tranlsate some languages not all languages in the world.
·         This software usefull for translator to translate some languages.
Example :

Jumat, 13 Maret 2015

Tugas Softskill 1 ( Semester 8 )

Name              : Desi Nuri Novitasari Pertiwi (11611882) , Kris Puji Astuti(14611014)
Class               : 4sa05
Assignmet       : Softskill 1

-          - Teks Asli  -

Jokowi OKs moves to prop rupiah

President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo has approved the proposals from the Finance Ministry and other relevant government agencies to provide fiscal and non-fiscal incentives to help Indonesia mitigate the impact of the sharp fall in the rupiah against the US dollar.

Coordinating Economic Minister Sofyan Djalil said in Jakarta on Friday that the incentive program would include tax allowances, a temporary dumping duty, the extension of visa-free facilities to four more countries and an increased use of biofuels in the nation’s energy mix.

With regard to tax, the government planned to provide incentives for various companies, including companies that exported more than 30 percent of their total production and firms that reinvested their dividends in Indonesia, instead of repatriating them, he said.

In order to protect local companies from the influx of cheap foreign goods, the government would also impose a temporary anti-dumping duty on imported goods suspected of being sold below market prices, Sofyan said.

“If imported goods are suspected of being sold below their fair price, we can immediately impose a temporary anti-dumping duty,” he said, adding that in normal procedures, an anti-dumping duty could only be imposed after a lengthy investigation had been conducted.

The government had planned to introduce the incentive program after it held a series of meetings, which involved the Finance Ministry, Industry Ministry, Office of Coordinating Maritime Affairs Minister and Bank Indonesia (BI) among others on Friday, but they were delayed as the drafting of part of the program had not been completed. President Jokowi will instead officially launch the incentive program on Monday.

The tax allowances will involve the expansion of existing fiscal facilities while some of the other incentive programs are not really new, for example the visa-free facility, which was implemented late last year.

The chairman of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), Franky Sibarani said that as part of the program, export-oriented companies would be eligible to get a tax allowance in the form of a reduction of their taxable income so that they would be more competitive in competing with companies from other emerging countries in the world market.

In addition to the export-oriented companies, those companies with large foreign investments would also benefit from tax allowances, he said in a statement.

At present, Indonesia offers tax allowances that cut taxable income to 30 percent of total investment realized over six years, accelerates depreciation and amortization, charges tax of up to 10 percent for offshore taxpayers and carries forward losses from five to 10 years.

Franky said the fiscal incentives would be implemented in April.

“Textile, furniture and footwear producers will be given priority to benefit from the fiscal incentives, because they all meet the criteria,” he said.

In addition to such tax allowances, foreign companies that reinvest their profits in the country or for the production of import-substitute products would also be given an income-tax allowance for two years.

“The BKPM will also give priority to food industries, especially those that support self-sufficiency in beef production,” he said in a statement.

Finance Minister Bambang Brodjonegoro said that the four policies were expected to help narrow the country’s current-account deficit (CAD) to between 2.5 percent and 3 percent of the gross domestic product (GDP), a view that is strongly held by the central bank as well.

Bank Danamon economist Dian Ayu Yustina lauded the government’s plans, even though she acknowledged that the policies were not new. “They are just improvements and adjustments here and there,” she said.

She predicted that the tax incentive on dividends would be the policy that achieved the fastest results to help guard the rupiah compared to the others, with a large potential dollar supply from the dividend reinvestments.

The rupiah, Asia’s worst-performing currency this year, dropped 1.7 percent this past week to Rp 13,198 against the US dollar, prices from local banks show, the biggest weekly drop in seven months after the central bank signaled it would tolerate further weakness, reported Bloomberg.

“We hope the government and Bank Indonesia seriously handle the exchange rate, since if it penetrates 14,000 rupiah per dollar it would cause chaos in the market,” said Iwan Lukminto, the vice president director of textile company PT Sri Rejeki Isman as quoted by Bloomberg.

— Grace D. Amianti contributed to the story

      -  Translate  -

Jokowi Mengadakan pergerakan untuk menopang rupiah

Presiden Joko "Jokowi" Widodo telah menyetujui usulan dari Kementerian Keuangan dan instansi pemerintah terkait lainnya untuk memberikan insentif fiskal dan non-fiskal untuk membantu Indonesia mengurangi dampak dari penurunan tajam nilai tukar rupiah terhadap dolar AS.

Menteri Koordinator Perekonomian Sofyan Djalil, di Jakarta, Jumat mengatakan bahwa program insentif akan mencakup tunjangan pajak, tugas pembuangan sementara, perpanjangan fasilitas bebas visa untuk empat negara lebih dan peningkatan penggunaan biofuel dalam bauran energi nasional.

Bersangkutan dengan pajak, pemerintah berencana memberikan insentif bagi berbagai perusahaan, termasuk perusahaan-perusahaan yang mengekspor lebih dari 30 persen dari produksi dan perusahaan yang diinvestasikan kembali dividen mereka di Indonesia totalnya, bukan memulangkan mereka, katanya.

Untuk melindungi perusahaan lokal dari masuknya barang asing murah, pemerintah juga akan memberlakukan bea masuk anti-dumping sementara pada barang impor diduga dijual di bawah harga pasar, kata Sofyan.

"Jika barang impor yang diduga dijual di bawah harga wajarnya, kita bisa langsung memberlakukan bea masuk anti-dumping" katanya, menambahkan bahwa dalam prosedur normal, bea masuk anti-dumping hanya dapat dikenakan setelah penyelidikan panjang telah dilakukan.

Pemerintah telah merencanakan untuk memperkenalkan program insentif setelah mengadakan serangkaian pertemuan, yang melibatkan antara lain Kementerian Keuangan, Kementerian Perindustrian, Kantor Koordinator Kelautan Menteri dan Bank Indonesia (BI) pada hari Jumat, tapi mereka tertunda karena penyusunan bagian dari program belum selesai. Presiden Jokowi malah akan secara resmi meluncurkan program insentif pada hari Senin.

Potongan pajak akan melibatkan perluasan fasilitas fiskal yang ada sementara beberapa program insentif lain tidak benar-benar baru, misalnya fasilitas bebas visa, yang dilaksanakan akhir tahun lalu.

Ketua Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal (BKPM), Franky Sibarani mengatakan bahwa sebagai bagian dari program, perusahaan berorientasi ekspor akan memenuhi syarat untuk mendapatkan tunjangan pajak dalam bentuk pengurangan penghasilan kena pajak mereka sehingga mereka akan lebih kompetitif dalam bersaing dengan perusahaan dari negara-negara berkembang lainnya di pasar dunia.

Selain perusahaan berorientasi ekspor, perusahaan-perusahaan dengan investasi asing yang besar juga akan mendapat manfaat dari tunjangan pajak, katanya dalam sebuah pernyataan.

Saat ini, Indonesia menawarkan tunjangan pajak yang dipotong penghasilan kena pajak sampai 30 persen dari total realisasi investasi selama enam tahun, mempercepat penyusutan dan amortisasi, biaya pajak hingga 10 persen untuk wajib pajak luar negeri dan membawa kerugian maju dari lima sampai 10 tahun.

Franky mengatakan, insentif fiskal akan dilaksanakan pada bulan April.

"Tekstil, furniture dan alas kaki produsen akan diberikan prioritas untuk memperoleh manfaat dari insentif fiskal, karena mereka semua memenuhi kriteria," katanya.

Selain tunjangan pajak tersebut, perusahaan asing yang menginvestasikan kembali keuntungan mereka di negara atau untuk produksi produk impor pengganti juga akan diberikan uang saku pajak penghasilan selama dua tahun.

"The BKPM juga akan memberikan prioritas kepada industri makanan, terutama yang mendukung swasembada produksi daging sapi," katanya dalam sebuah pernyataan.

Menteri Keuangan Bambang Brodjonegoro mengatakan bahwa empat kebijakan yang diharapkan dapat membantu mempersempit defisit current account negara (CAD) menjadi antara 2,5 persen dan 3 persen dari produk domestik bruto (PDB), pandangan yang sangat dipegang oleh bank sentral dengan baik.

Ekonom Bank Danamon Dian Ayu Yustina memuji rencana pemerintah, meskipun ia mengakui bahwa kebijakan itu tidak baru. "Mereka hanya perbaikan dan penyesuaian di sana-sini," katanya.

Dia meramalkan bahwa insentif pajak atas dividen akan menjadi kebijakan yang mencapai hasil tercepat untuk membantu menjaga rupiah dibandingkan dengan yang lain, dengan pasokan dolar potensi besar dari reinvestasi dividen.

Rupiah, mata uang Asia dengan performa terburuk tahun ini, turun 1,7 persen pada minggu lalu menjadi Rp 13.198 terhadap dolar AS, harga dari bank lokal menunjukkan, penurunan mingguan terbesar dalam tujuh bulan setelah bank sentral mengisyaratkan akan mentolerir kelemahan lebih lanjut, dilaporkan Bloomberg.

"Kami berharap pemerintah dan Bank Indonesia serius menangani nilai tukar, karena jika menembus 14.000 rupiah per dollar itu akan menyebabkan kekacauan di pasar," kata Iwan Lukminto, direktur wakil presiden perusahaan tekstil PT Sri Rejeki Isman seperti dikutip Bloomberg .

Rabu, 14 Januari 2015

National SAR agency head calm and collected amid tragedy

As the current head of the National Search and Rescue Team (Basarnas), Air Chief Marshal FH Bambang Soelistyo has been at the forefront of the operation to locate and retrieve wreckage and bodies from AirAsia flight QZ8501, which crashed into the waters of the Karimata Strait on Dec. 28, 2014.

One easily observed trait is his perennial calmness, always collected and ready to answer any questions regarding the operation, in spite of the fact that he has rather a lot on his plate at the moment and the success or failure of the entire search and rescue (SAR) operation rests on his leadership.

“I have a responsibility to you [journalists] to provide you with information but also to the [victims’] families and the public. So, of course we have to do our best when carrying out the operation,” Soelistyo said two days after the search operation began.

He has also been very reliable as the authoritative voice of the

Every time the 57-year-old delivers the latest update on the SAR operation, he always makes sure that the journalists covering the operation completely understand the information he provides.

He is direct in asking news reporters if they understand the details of his statements.

Soelistyo, who grew up in Yogyakarta, is also comfortable in responding to questions from foreign journalists and he makes sure that his English is as fluent as possible.

He has also made sure that everyone knows that he is fully in charge of the operation, even if that means contradicting the chief of the Indonesian Military (TNI) Gen.

Last week, when Moeldoko arrived to take over the leadership of the SAR operation, Soelistyo coolly responded in front of the TNI chief that he remained in charge of the operation.

When Moeldoko made his own conclusion that the flight data recorders could have been damaged on impact, Soelistyo said, “The black boxes are made of metal that has been manufactured to be able to withstand impact and temperature,”

But despite his stoic demeanor and military training, the crash, in which all 162 people on board the plane died, has taken an emotional toll on him.

He was very emotional during the first three days of the operation, when the joint SAR team had not been able to find any bodies or debris from the aircraft’s wreckage in the Karimata Strait, between Bangka Belitung islands and Kalimantan.

“Every day, I have a teleconference with the families [of the victims] there [in Surabaya]. The last time [I did], tears were streaming down my face,” Soelistyo said.

He explained that during a time of horrific tragedy such as a plane crash, the ones most affected are the families of the victims and this had prompted him to do the best he could to help the victims’
next of kin.

“I put myself in the shoes of the families so that I know what they’re hoping for,” said Soelistyo.

That is also why he decided to visit the victims’ families in Surabaya on the third day of the operation.

“When I visited them, some of them greeted me with a smile. That pleased me because I thought they might greet me with tears or even anger,” Soelistyo said.

The Basarnas chief is also hell-bent on ensuring the success of the SAR operation so much that he has acknowledged he has only got two or three hours of sleep each day since the first day of the
operation but he will not allow sleep deprivation to interfere with the operation.

“I’ve been making do with little sleep because I have to keep monitoring [the operation] and planning for tomorrow’s operation,” Soelistyo said. “Usually I finish my night duty between 1:30 a.m. and 2 a.m. After that, I have to wake up at 5 a.m.”

Given such little time to rest, he decided to sleep at his office, robbing him of quality time with his family.

“Of course [I miss my family]. I have kids and grandchildren,” Soelistyo said.

Before being appointed as the chief of Basarnas in April 2014, Soelistyo spent his career in the Indonesian Air Force (TNI-AU).

In 1982, he graduated from the Air Force Academy.

By the early 1990s, he had become one of the Air Force’s top pilots, with achievements including piloting a Hawk MK-53 during the Jakarta Air Show at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport in 1996 and leading the Jupiter Acrobatic
team in 1997.

Soelistyo was also a member of the United Nations Military Observer team from 1993 to 1994 as part of the Garuda Contingent XIV in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

In 2009 he was appointed as the spokesman for the Navy.

His most recent position before he was appointed to replace Alfan Baharudin as the chief of Basarnas was director general of defense strategy at the Defense Ministry
in 2013.

After over two weeks leading the flight QZ8501 SAR operation, Soelistyo has become personally invested in the tragedy.

He has made the task of returning the bodies of the crash victims to their families a point of honor.

On Tuesday, he paid another visit to the victims’ families at the East Java Police’s Victim Identification Unit (DVI) post in Surabaya to bring the latest news about the operation to them.

Soelistyo, accompanied by East Java Police chief Insp. Gen. Anas Yusuf and East Java Governor Soekarwo, once again met the familiar faces.

This time he was able to bring what could be considered as closure for some of the victims’ next of kin.

“This is so that the victims’ families understand [the difference] between their hopes and the reality of what is happening,” he said.

“We have informed the families about what we have done in searching for the victims’ bodies up until now, and what our future plans are,” the Basarnas chief added.

A.       Preposition of Time: This type is preposition of time. There are in, on and at.
a.       At the moment
b.      On Dec. 28, 2014.
c.       In 1982, he graduated from the Air Force Academy.
d.      The chief of Basarnas in April 2014
e.       In 2009 he was appointed as the spokesman for the Navy.
f.       On Tuesday, he paid another visit to the victims’ families at the East Java.
g.      On the third day of the operation.

B.        Preposition of Place: this type used to indicate place. And same of time. There are 3 kind of preposition such as on, in, at.
a.       at the forefront of the operation to locate and retrieve wreckage.
b.      he has rather a lot on his plate
c.       Soelistyo, who grew up in Yogyakarta
d.      the victims’ families in Surabaya
e.       at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport
f.       in 1996 and leading the Jupiter Acrobatic
g.      team in 1997.

C.        Preposition of Agent, Device , Instrument, or Machine. : is used to thing as a reason or agent in a sentences. Usually using by and with.
a.       I have a responsibility to you [journalists] to provide you with information.
b.      I thought they might greet me with tears or even anger.