Jumat, 25 April 2014

Softskill * Business Communication 2 *

Name / Student-ID     : Desi Nuri NovitaSari Pertiwi / 11611882
Class                         :  3SA05
Subject                     : Softskill 6 – Jargon Translation of Technology


Technology is an integral part of nearly every teenager's life. From cell phones and video games to computers and television, the use of technology affects teens positively and negatively. Depending on the source of technology, teens can make the most of its effect on their lives through responsible use.

teknologi merupakan bagian integral dari kehidupan hampir setiap remaja. Dari ponsel dan video game untuk komputer dan televisi, penggunaan teknologi mempengaruhi dampak positif dan negatif bagi remaja. bergantung pada sumber teknologi, remaja dapat membuat sebagian besar efeknya pada kehidupan mereka melalui penggunaan yang bertanggung jawab.

Many teens carry cell phones and find they have become dependent on them to stay connected to friends and the outside world. Keeping in touch with parents and friends is important, but it shouldn't consume the majority of a teen's time. According to author Ann Louise Gittleman, cell phone use, like alcohol and drugs, might act on the reward centers of the brain containing opiate receptors. When the brain gets its perceived reward, whether it's drugs, chocolate or the excitement of texting constantly, it wants to do it more frequently. Suddenly, a habit is formed. Disallowing your teen's cell phone in her bedroom is one way to curb her appetite for constant communication via cell phone.

Banyak remaja membawa ponsel dan menemukan bahwa mereka telah menjadi tergantung pada mereka untuk tetap terhubung dengan teman-teman dan dunia luar. Tetap berhubungan dengan orang tua dan teman-teman adalah penting, tetapi tidak harus mengkonsumsi sebagian besar waktu remaja. Menurut penulis Ann Louise Gittleman, penggunaan ponsel, seperti alkohol dan obat-obatan, mungkin bertindak pada pusat-pusat reward otak yang mengandung reseptor opiat. Ketika otak mendapatkan reward yang dirasakan, apakah itu obat, coklat atau kegembiraan SMS terus-menerus, ia ingin melakukannya lebih sering. Tiba-tiba, kebiasaan terbentuk. Pelarangan ponsel remaja Anda di kamarnya adalah salah satu cara untuk mengekang nafsu untuk komunikasi konstan melalui ponsel.

Teens need computers for many academic assignments and research projects however, some teens find it difficult to stay on task with the temptation of surfing the web for anything from games to inappropriate websites. Many teens spend hours online, e-mailing, instant messaging, downloading music and updating social networking pages. All of this access can be dangerous, according to an article at PsychologyToday.com. Teens who abuse the Internet can lose sight of priorities such as academic performance and relationships. Monitor your teen's Internet activity by keeping the computer in an open area of the household such as a desk in the living room.

Remaja membutuhkan komputer untuk banyak tugas-tugas akademik dan proyek-proyek penelitian Namun, beberapa remaja merasa sulit untuk tetap pada tugas dengan godaan berselancar di web untuk apa pun dari permainan ke situs-situs yang tidak pantas. Banyak remaja menghabiskan berjam-jam online, e-mail, pesan instan, men-download musik dan memperbarui halaman jejaring sosial. Semua akses ini bisa berbahaya, menurut sebuah artikel di PsychologyToday.com. Remaja yang menyalahgunakan internet bisa melupakan prioritas seperti kinerja akademik dan hubungan. Memonitor aktivitas internet remaja Anda dengan menjaga komputer di daerah terbuka dari rumah tangga seperti meja di ruang tamu.

Video games can help teens unwind and release anxiety as long as gaming isn't excessive. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends no more than two hours per day of video games. A regular habit of more than two hours a day can lead to attention issues at school and poor academic performance. Violent video games can desensitize teens to the realities of war and crime. Game ratings for age-appropriate content should be taken seriously because teenagers are still developing cognitive brain-function, which includes the ability to reason and decipher morally sound behavior.

Video games dapat membantu bersantai remaja dan melepaskan kecemasan selama game tidak berlebihan. The American Academy of Pediatrics merekomendasikan tidak lebih dari dua jam per hari dari video game. Sebuah kebiasaan rutin lebih dari dua jam sehari dapat menyebabkan masalah perhatian di sekolah dan performa akademis yang buruk. Video game kekerasan dapat menurunkan rasa mudah terpengaruh remaja dengan realitas perang dan kejahatan. Peringkat game untuk konten yang sesuai dengan usia harus ditanggapi dengan serius karena remaja masih berkembang kognitif otak-fungsi, yang mencakup kemampuan untuk berpikir dan menguraikan perilaku suara moral.

Many teens prefer to watch television or play on the computer to going outside for physical recreation activities. This can lead to obesity and a sedentary lifestyle. Too much media at home makes it too easy for teens to default to inactivity. The American Association of Pediatrics recommends that parents establish "screen-free" zones at home by eliminating televisions, computers and video games in children's bedrooms, and by turning off the television at designated times or during dinner.

Banyak remaja memilih untuk menonton televisi atau bermain di komputer untuk pergi ke luar untuk kegiatan rekreasi fisik. Hal ini dapat menyebabkan obesitas dan gaya hidup. Terlalu banyak media yang di rumah membuatnya terlalu mudah bagi remaja untuk default tidak aktif. The American Association of Pediatrics merekomendasikan bahwa orang tua membentuk zona "layar-bebas" di rumah dengan menghilangkan televisi, komputer dan video game di kamar tidur anak-anak, dan dengan mematikan televisi pada waktu yang ditunjuk atau selama makan malam

Kamis, 03 April 2014


What is Communication ?

Communication (from Latin commūnicāre, meaning "to share") is the activity of conveying information through the exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, as by speech, visuals, signals, writing, or behavior. It is the meaningful exchange of information between two or more living creatures.
One definition of communication is “any act by which one person gives to or receives from another person information about that person's needs, desires, perceptions, knowledge, or affective states. Communication may be intentional or unintentional, may involve conventional or unconventional signals, may take linguistic or non-linguistic forms, and may occur through spoken or other modes.”
Communication requires a sender, a message, and a recipient, although the receiver does not have to be present or aware of the sender's intent to communicate at the time of communication; thus communication can occur across vast distances in time and space. Communication requires that the communicating parties share an area of communicative commonality. The communication process is complete once the receiver understands the sender's message.

What is Business ?

A business, also known as an enterprise or a firm, is an organization involved in the trade of goods, services, or both to consumers.Businesses are prevalent in capitalist economies, where most of them are privately owned and provide goods and services to customers for profit. Businesses may also be not-for profit or state owned. A business owned by multiple individuals may be referred to as a company, although that term also has a more precise meaning.
The etymology of "business" stems from the state of being busy, and implies commercially viable and profitable work. The term "business" has at least three usages, depending on the scope in which it is used. A business can mean a particular organization, while a more generalized usage refers to a particular market sector, i.e. "the music business". Compound forms such as agribusiness represent subsets of the word's broadest meaning, which encompasses all the activity by all the suppliers of goods and services.

What is Business Communication ?

Business communication is communication that promotes a product, service, or organization; relays information within a business; or functions as an official statement from a company.
Business communication (or simply "communications", in a business context) encompasses such topics as marketing, brand management, customer relations, consumer behaviour, advertising,  public relation, corporate communication,community engagement, reputation management, interpersonal communication, employee engagement, and event management. It is closely related to the fields of professional communication and technical communication.
Media channels for business communication include the internet, print media, radiotelevision, ambient media, and word of mouth.
Business communication can also refer to internal communication. A communications director will typically manage internal communication and craft messages sent to employees. It is vital that internal communications are managed properly because a poorly crafted or managed message could foster distrust or hostility from employees.
Business communication is a common topic included in the curricula of master of business administration (MBA) programs of many universities.As well, many community colleges and universities offer degrees in Communications.

Communication from any people involves two parties. One person as the sender and the other as the receiver of the message. When one is thinking of what to communicate, one should always think of who will get the message else, the message will not achieve the desired result or objective.